

  Claudio La Rosa started working in 2000 as a client advisor for several financial companies in Geneva, while working as a part-time financial translator at the same time. The volume of translations increased rapidly and in 2004 he decided to work as a full-time freelance translator, EXCLUSIVELY in the financial field in order to deliver the highest quality services to his clients.

Teacher at ETI / FTI (University of Geneva)

In 2010 and in 2012 Claudio La Rosa has been teaching financial translation English-Italian and French-Italian at the University of Geneva (ETI).

Since 2013 he is responsible for teaching finance for professional translators (classes given within the framework of the "formation continue" at ETI/FTI in Geneva, in Italian in 2013 and in English in 2014). The English finance class was also given in 2017 at the DGT of the European Commission in Luxembourg, then in Bern in April 2018 for ASTTI, in June-September in Frankfurt for the ECB, and in September-October in Poland for the translation service of UBS. In 2019 Claudio taught finance again at the DGT of the European Commission, this time in Brussels. Also in 2019, he taught a Financial Translation class (English into Italian) in distance learning, to a group of 8 people, mainly employees of UBS. In 2020 he taught finance, this time in Italian, for the Italian translators of the European institutions (Commission, Parliament, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, EESC, etc.) via Zoom due to the pandemic. He will be giving the finance class in Italian again in 2024.

Since September 2013: Teacher of financial translation English-Italian at University of Geneva (FTI).
Since February 2017: Teacher of financial translation French-Italian at University of Geneva (FTI).
Since February 2018: Teacher of "Finance et marketing multilingue" at University of Geneva (FTI).

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Summer University for Financial Translators

Claudio La Rosa has given workshops at the Summer University for Financial Translators in Switzerland and is a member of its Advisory Committee. In 2011 he gave a workshop on Basel III and on UCITS IV. In 2013 he gave a workshop on portfolio management together with a Senior Portfolio Manager.
In 2015 he gave 2 workshops, one on the recent evolution of monetary policy in Europe with a leading journalist from IlSole24Ore and one the management of pension funds. In 2017 he gave 2 workshops, one on the recent evolution of asset management with a professor of finance of SDA Bocconi (Giampaolo Gabbi) and one on the translation of economic indicators with the senior economist Michel Girardin. In 2019 he gave 2 workshops, one on the translation of derivative instruments with Giovanna Zanotti from Università Bocconi and one about new asset management strategies. After a 4 years pause due to the pandemics, he is now again participating in organising the 2024 edition of the Summer University for Financial Translators, which will take place in Spiez on July 3-5.


  FINANCEtranslation  - Email : claudio(at)financetranslation.com